Monday, April 6, 2015

Law Of Human Rights in Bangladesh

In 2005, Bangladesh veteran an unprecedented period of continuous political instability. On 17 August 2005, four hundred bombs exploded in sixty-four districts of the nation. As a upshot of this instability and its national security repercussions, Bangladesh's questionable human rights has deteriorated.

Bangladeshi security forces have been persistently criticised by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch due to grave abuses of human rights. These include extrajudicial summary executions, excessive use of force and the use of custodial anguish. Reporters and defenders of human rights are beleaguered and intimidated by the authorities. Since 2003, legislative barriers to examination and transparency have afforded security services imperviousness from accountability to the general public. Hindu and Ahmadi Muslim minorities human rights are in a compromised state, and corruption is still a most important problem, such that Transparency International has planned Bangladesh as the most shady country in the world for five consecutive years.

RAB and other security agencies have been accused of using afflict during custody and grilling. One allegation of such came from a young man who was in detention in Dhaka for protest against the assault of an old man by plainclothes RAB agents. He was later severely tortured.[5] On 27 July 2005, two brothers from Rajshahi, Azizur Rahman Shohel and Atiquer Rahman Jewel, were in prison on fictitious charges, beaten with batons and subjected to electric shocks. It is so-called that this brutality stem from the brothers' family being unskillful of paying a sufficient bribe. The brothers were distressed to such an point that they were hospitalised at the Rajshahi Medical School Hospital under police custody. The most thorough account of torture in Bangladesh was the May 2007 case of torture beside Tasneem Khalil, a journalist and blogger. He was tortured while in the custody of Directorate General of Forces Intelligence during the interim government, and after his liberate, Khalil wrote a report published by Human Rights Watch. Sweden granted Khalil exile after he fled Bangladesh.

Persecution of minority communities

Although Bangladesh is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a covenant considered to ensure self-determination of religion and of appearance, it has tolerate aggressive assaults on religious marginal communities by extremists.
In January 2004, the government succumbed to an ultimatum from their coalition partner, the Islami Oikya Jote, and the extremist vigilante Khatme Nabuwat Movement to declare that Ahmadi Muslims are "not" Muslims.Not wishing to lose its majority, Ahmadiyya publications were declared illegal by the government. A constitutional court suspended the ban, but Islamist groups are threatening legal challenge to this.
Attacks on the homes and places of worship of Ahmadiyya are still rampant, but the government has chosen neither to prosecute those responsible, nor discipline police officers who failed to protect victims. Other holy minorities have come under attack, with abductions, desecration of religious sites, and required conversions persistently reported. There have been many reports of Hindus having been evicted from their properties, and of Hindu girls being raped,but the police have refused to inspect, to this point. Due to this climate of devout persecution, several hundred thousand Buddhists, Hindus and Christians have left the country.

Women's rights

The United Nations country team in Bangladesh has identified "marital instability" as a key cause of lack and "ultra and extreme" poverty among female-headed households. The Bangladesh expect Commission has said that women are more susceptible to becoming poor after losing a male earning family member due to rejection or divorce. Women in Bangladesh are above all prone to a form of domestic hostility known as acid throwing, in which thorough acid is thrown onto an personage (usually at the face) with the aims of severe disfiguration and social isolation. In Bangladesh, women are discriminately targeted: according to one study, from 1999–2009, 68% of acid attack survivors were women/girls.
In 2010, a law touching domestic sadism was introduced, which defines causing “economic loss” as an act of house violence and recognises the exact to live in the marital home. The law also empowers courts to supply temporary upholding to survivors of familial bloodshed. In 2012, the Law Commission of Bangladesh, supported by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, done nationwide delve into into reforms for Muslim, Hindu, and Christian personal laws. In May 2012, the cabinet official a bill for elective registration of Hindu marriages. The Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs is also in view of reforms to civil court procedures—chiefly on issuance of summons that will improve family court. 

Freedom of religion
Although firstly Bangladesh opted for a secular nationalist ideology as embodied in its Constitution, the principle of secularism was subsequently replaced by a commitment to the Islamic way of life through a series of constitutional amendments and government proclamations between 1977 and 1988. The Constitution establishes Islam as the state religion but provides for the right to practice—subject to law, public order, and morality—the religion of one's choice.[17]The Government generally respects this provision in practice.

Intimidation of human rights defenders, journalists, and the opposition
Voices of opposition are ever more at risk in Bangladesh, as groups who essay or speak out beside the actions of the government have create themselves ever more exposed and under molest. On 27 January 2005, Shah Abu Mohamed Shamsul Kibria, former Finance Minister and senior member of the secular Bangladesh Awami League, was assassi This followed a 2004 attempt to assassinate the leader of the Awami League, Sheikh Hasina, in a bomb and grenade blast. She survived, but twenty-three members of her party were killed. Other Awami League members, junior and senior alike, have reported harassment and coercion.
Human rights organisations also operate under the threat of assault from the authorities and government supporters.On 8 August 2005, a group of BNP[expand acronym] members attacked two human rights activists, who had been investigating torture against an Ahmadi Journalists face the same fate: for three years, the organisation Reporters sans Frontières, has named Bangladesh the country with the largest number of journalists physically attacked or threatened with death. The government has no intention of protecting journalists, whereas Islamist groups continue to intensify their intimidation of the independent news media.
Bangladeshi journalist, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, the editor of the Bangladeshi tabloid The Weekly Blitz, was imprisoned after writing articles warning about the rise of Islamic radicals, and urging Bangladesh to recognise Israel. Choudhury is facing charges of sedition, treason, blasphemy and espionage since January 2004 for having tried to attend a conference of the Hebrew Writers' Association in Tel Aviv. He violated the Passport Act by attempting to travel to Israel in November 2003. The Act forbids citizens from visiting countries with which Bangladesh does not maintain diplomatic relations. He was beaten and interrogated for 10 days in an attempt to extract a confession that he was spying for Israel. He spent the next 17 months in solitary confinement, and was denied medical treatment for his glaucoma. On intervention of US Congressman Mark Kirk, who spoke to Bangladesh's ambassador to the US, Choudhury was released on bail, though the charges were not dropped. In 2007, House Resolution 64 passed the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs calling on the government of Bangladesh to drop all charges against Choudhury.

AIDS in Bangladesh
With less than 0.1 percent of the population estimated to be HIV-positive, Bangladesh is a low HIV-prevalence country.Whilst this rise of AIDS is not confined to Bangladesh in particular, the government is doing very little to prevent the spread of AIDS.

Politically vulnerable groups at risk of HIV infection, such as sex workers and men who have sex with men, have not been educated about the risk of AIDS, nor protected by the authorities, and they have found themselves regularly assaulted, abducted, raped, gang raped, and subjected to extortion by the police and by powerful criminal Organizations have been established to stem the development of AIDS through education, but such projects have not been successful due to cases of police brutality directed at members working on such proj

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