Child Labour

Child labour in Bangladesh is ordinary, with 4.7 million or 12.6% of children aged below 14 in the work force.Out of the child labourers betrothed in the work force, 83% are employed in bucolic areas and 17% are engaged in urban areas. Employment ranges from jobs in the recognized sector, such as the item of clothing industry, and jobs in the relaxed sector such as agriculture and conjugal service.

In 2006, Bangladesh accepted a Labour Law setting the minimum legal age for service as 14.[ Nevertheless, the enforcement of such labour laws is virtually impracticable in Bangladesh because 93% of child labourers are in a job in the informal sector such as small factories and workshops, on the street, in home-based businesses and domestic employment
Despite the rate of child labour in Bangladesh, there has been an magnify in legislation poignant child labour. Bangladesh has ratified both the Minimum Age Convention(C138) of the International Labour Organization(ILO), and the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention(C182). In toting up, the country also ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


The explanation of child labour varies depending on region, culture, organization, and government. The Western standpoint portrays childhood as a carefree stage of life in which a person does not possess the aptitude to be an adult. Although there is no universal elucidation for child labour, various organizations have definite child labour and its parameters.
The International Labour Organization's (ILO) Minimum Age Convention 138 states that at age 12 a child is permitted to light job in non-hazardous situations and at age 15 a child is allowed to come into the work force. The ILO defines child labour as "work that exceeds a minimum number of hours, depending on the age of a child and on the type of work."The ILO also has three categories pertaining to children in work: economically active children, child labour, and hazardous work. Children can be categorised as economically active if they are involved in work outside of school or the home at least one hour once every seven days. Children can be categorised as performing child labour if they are under the age of 12 or performing hazardous work. Children are categorised as performing hazardous work if they are involved in activities that may harm their physical, mental, or developmental health or safety.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) defines child labour as any activity that affects a child's health and education. Its definition also states that child labour is work that leads to deprivation of childhood activities, exploitation and abuse.
The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) defines employment and economically active children as "paid and unpaid work in the formal and nonformal sectors of rural and urban areas." This definition excludes children working in their own households.
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics considers children aged 5-14 who work for one or more hours (per week) in both paid and unpaid settings to be child workers. For children older than 10, any economic activity is considered a form a child labour. This includes work both inside and outside of the household setting.

Causes and impact

poor quality is widely recognised and accredited as the primary origin of child labour. The link amid paucity and child labour is supported by pains of international organizations, such as the ILO and the United Nations, to reduce child labour through deficiency diminution policies. There is a strong unconstructive correlation among the revenue level of a country and the pace rate of child labour. An enlarge of $0-$500 per capita takings to $500-$1000 per capita income can lead to a diminish in child labour facts rate from 30%-60% to 10%-30%.Although the annual per capita earnings of Bangladesh has been growing, around 9-13% of the total labour vigor in Bangladesh still consists of children aged 5-14. In a 2013 statistical report, UNICEF estimates that generally 43.3% of the population in Bangladesh is now livelihood below the international dearth line.
Factors such as urbanization and population development complete poverty. In a 2013 statistical report, UNICEF probable an yearly population growth rate in Bangladesh to be 1.7% from 1990-2012. Populations budge from rural to urban areas because there is an amplify in available economic opportunities. A amalgamation of poor alive principles in built-up settings and an invasion of cheap labour from children continue both shortage and the apply of child labour. The incidence of child labour can be official to the socioeconomic statuses of families living at or under the lack line. Often times, families rely on the added returns shaped by their children in order to continue their employment. Many children are obligatory to work to help bear the family. In other cases, children are forced to work for a living for themselves because their families forsaken or could not take mind of them. Studies have shown that children from poorer families are more possible to be in the work force due to their donation to overall family profits.
The demographics of the inhabitants in Bangladesh can also be a analyst of child labour frequency rates. Children in pastoral areas are more expected to work than children in inner-city areas. This may be owed to the agricultural history of Bangladesh and the practice of children effective along side adults in the fields. However, in both rustic and city settings, boys are more to be expected to work than girls, with the greater part of child workers declining in the age assortment of 12-14.
Family dynamics also contributed to child labour frequency rates. Children in households with a great part of adults in the family are less liable to work. Children in households where all adults are running are more likely to work. Children in households where there is a larger portion of paid adult personnel are even more likely to effort. These findings by Salmon (2005) designate that children act as a font of income cohort because households that maximise all human capital be apt to be households that have incidences of child labour.
Lack of education relics one of the top impacts of child labour.Child labour is a rein to schooling. Many policies intended at eradicating child labour have alert on mounting convenience to education. Organizations such as the ILO, the United Nations, and UNICEF recognise the importance of education in helping to eradicate poverty and in preventing child labour growth rates. According to UNICEF, the new National Education Policy requires that children must inclusive school until grade eight and that school must be free. Many definitions of child labour position education as a exact of childhood and judge barriers to education as a essential characteristic of child labour.
There is a sturdy rapport amid child labour and school gate. In a 2010 statistical report, UNICEF calculated that about 50% of all working children in Bangladesh do not listen school. Another 6.8% of children connecting age 7 and 14 whom, while going to school, also work.Of those that do concentrate school, school concert is depressingly artificial when children are in the work energy.Although school is free, many children are required to drop out because they do not have the time or funds to concentrate. For many families, the returns produced by their children is painstaking more costly than an education that requires their child to stop working. A study conducted by Rahman (1997) set up that about 58% of functioning children listed economic privation as the motive they were not presence school. Of those that did choose near go to school, environment of schools and the eminence of education proved to be somber barriers to noteworthy culture.A 2002 and 2003 study conducted by the World Bank showed that on standard teachers in Bangladesh neglect one out of five days of effort a week.
It has also been create that illiteracy rates are a predictor of child labour commonness.In 2013, UNICEF estimates that total adult literacy is around 57.7%. Literacy rates also tend near be lower for females than males. In Bangladesh, less than 75% of girls end their primary education.


According to the hot 2014 TVPRA List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor available by the U.S. branch of Labor's Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Bangladesh figures with the 74 countries where noteworthy occurrence of child labour and forced labour is still observed.15 products are bent in such working state in Bangladesh.
The garment industry is the biggest employer of child labour in the formal sector.It has been rapidly increasing in the past two decades, causative really to the countries anuual exports by rising GDP. Bangladesh is measured in the top ten biggest garment exporters in the world.The garment industry not only improved economic earning but also improved existing jobs in built-up settings, mainly for women.As a result, the incidences of child labourers in urban areas increased. The best part of labourers in the garment industry hired are girls and women.Bangladesh garment factories have been accused of forcing girls as young as 13 to work up to 11 hours a day to produce garments for western retailers.
Children functioning in this industry are topic to long work hours (around 10 hours a day) with very modest forfeit (under 10 U.S. dollars a month). There is very lowest economic reward for working over time.Children are also exposed to various health and safety hazards. Garment shops are at great risk of fires owed to blocked fire exits, poor crowd control, and lack of fire shelter defense. Working in garment shops also expose children to dangerous chemicals and deep machinery. These exposures to wellbeing hazards can lead to diverse health issues ranging from cuts and bruises to musculoskeletal disorders.

Informal sector.

a bulky amount child labourers in Bangladesh are working in the relaxed sector.[These forms of labour are hard to order and watch. The mainly regular forms of work is agriculture, in bucolic areas, and domestic examine, in urban areas. The majority of all child labourers in Bangladesh work in agriculture.Agricultural activities include rooster farming, drying fish, salt mining, shrimp farming and fabricate logistics. Children in agriculture use dangerous tools, carry profound loads, and affect injurious pesticides. Many of these children are affianced by their families as added hands in the fields or sent out to work for their own food. They often work long hours with tiny to no pay and endure dangerous condition that result in many health issues.
Children, more  than not girls, work as domestic servants in secretive households in Bangladesh. familial child labourers work long hours and focus to infuriation, exciting, physical, and sexual abuse. The majority of children working as domestic workers are engaged seven days a week and live in the home they serve. severance from family and working in private homes often results in the abuse and operation of these children. They endure harsh working situation that cause emotional stress, physical strain, and health issues with little pay or compensation in the form of food, clothing, and shelter. Because domestic service occurs in the home, it is often not measured economic work. Therefore, there are minimal regulations for fair working conditions and wages.
Other familiar industries with large child labour activity (age below 18) contain ship breach and recycling operations, roduction of soap, matches, bricks, cigarettes, footwear, furniture, glass, jute, leather, textiles, restaurants, garbage picking and trash hunting, vending, begging, portering, and van pulling.Many working children get less than 10 US dollars per month.

Child labour laws influencing practices in Bangladesh

Legislation in Bangladesh

The employ of Children Act 1938
This act allowed for children aged 15 or up to work in the railway industry and in transporting goods in port jobs. It also acceptable for children aged 15-17 to work night shifts that may last until the morning under firm stipulations such as resting for 13 repeated hours, working under someone that is 18 years or older, or serving an apprenticeship. It prohibited children under 12 from working in hazardous industries but did not mention guard for children between the ages 12-18.
The Factories Act 1965
This act banned children under 14 to work in or be nearby in factories. Factories was defined as any place with more than 10 people engaged. It also listed diverse protections for children from hazardous machines and operations. It prohibited any work duration of longer than 5 hours connecting 7pm to 7am. It also states the weight lifting confines for types of workers (male, female, child).

Shops and Establishment Act 1965
This act clear a shop or establishment as a place that employs 5 or more people. This act taboo children below the age of 12 from working in any establishment. It acceptable children aged 12-18 to work in establishments but limited the number of work hours to a highest of 7 hours a day.

The Children Act 1974
This act compiled previous laws and system involving to children protection and fortification. It lays out the penalty for the mistreatment of children labourers. However, it does not describe utilization or cruelty of children within family work settings.

Applicable laws from other legal jurisdictions

The Child Labor Deterrence Act 1993 (Harkin's Bill)
Main article: Child Labor Deterrence Act
Originating from U.S. Senator Tom Harkin, this bill banned imports of items that were related with child labour at various stages of creation, whether it was direct involvement in the invention or tortuous attachment such as packaging. This law affected the labour situation in Bangladesh because garment industries, fearing a loss of business, fired many child labourers.

Human Trafficking anticipation and control Act 2012
According to the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT) United States Department of Labor:
In 2011, Bangladesh complete a sensible spread in pains to remove the nastiest forms of child labor. Bangladesh passed the Human Trafficking Deterrence and Suppression Act 2012 which makes human trafficking (including labor trafficking) a capital sin, urbanized and wholly funded a Child Labor Monitoring Information System to direct child labor related data and began implementation of a $9 million child labor project. However, legal protections regarding child labor are limited and the aptitude to enforce child labor laws remains weak. Bangladesh maintains a low compulsory education age. Children in Bangladesh are occupied in the worst forms of child labor, primarily in chancy activities in agriculture and household service
The legislation tried to register more children and adults into school and away from work. This was not the outcome. Some children enrolled in school, but several wanted other work. Due to the law, many kids took more hazardous jobs in the relaxed economy, counting; prostitution, street hawkers, stone welding, and as maids. Schooling is obligatory only to age 10. The minimum age for most child labor is 14, 18 for hazardous work.

Initiatives adjacent to child labour

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 1995
Signed by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), ILO, and UNICEF this initiative allowed children displaced and fired from the garment industry to obtain education, career training, and skills training. It also provided families with income to make up for their child's lack of work. This program is also called "The Placement of Children Workers in School Programs and the Elimination of Child Labor." The MOU has made an impact in reducing child labour in the garment industry in Bangladesh. Because of this program, more than 8,200 children usual non-formal education after losing their jobs. Additionally, 680 children customary professional leadership.
The Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee (BRAC)
The Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee is a non-profit organization founded in the mid-1970's in Bangladesh. BRAC, along with Grameen Bank, are the two largest lenders of microcredit in Bangladesh. Together they cover 59% of borrowers in the country.Microcredit has been shown to improve poverty but in small amounts. The effects of microcredit are not huge sufficient to modify the lives of an entire population. However, it has been shown to allow families in poverty to find a way out.BRAC has also been liable for running schools for non-formal education that were put in place to teach children fired from jobs. These non-formal schools also gave children another option further schooling. Along with the schooling program, families also received health care services and monthly cash stipends to make up for the wages their children were not bringing in by participating in the schooling program.

Other Strategies
In adding to the work of the government, BRAC, and ILO, there have been a digit of contributions from international organizations and donors to help start strategies touching child labour. These strategies include: taking children out of hazardous work environments and placing them in schooling or training programs, benevolent families stipends to compensate for loss in earnings from a dwindle in child labour, and raising awareness of the injurious effects of child labour.

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